There's seven deadly sins but somehow all I got was greed
Yes, I see the warnings
  But I shall never heed


Matriarch | Mother | Guide | All-hearing | Tortured | Soulbound

.  Völva  .  There are many roles in the Wood. For Linaire her roles were many and varied, as it is for many who take up the mantle of Matriarch. It is not a position for the week of will. For a hundred years she worked as a bridge between the Wood and her people, the Outside and her people, and as a mother.Linaire raised six children during her time on the council of Matriarchs. She has no idea if any of them live still..  Wood Born  . The village of Brun once rested, cradled in the tall trees of the Golmore Jungle. It was once one of the few villages to offer trade and guidance to those passing through the Dalmascan deserts just beyond it's borders. When the Garleans came, it was not just Dalmasca that fell.Brun burned and Linaire was captured..  Experiments   .  She was not alone in her capture. Several of her tribe were also taken in and transported to where the Garlean Castrum would be built. For the next 30 years her and her kin would be used and abused, tortured and traumatized, all in the name of furthering science in their own mad way.It would not be till the Empire fell that her and the last member of her tribe, Valljan, would escape but they would not be the same viera mentally, spiritually, or aetherically that went in.

.  Soulmates   .  What else do you call one who exsists within you, around you, and beside you? Soulmates is what Lin would tell you here Companions are to her. Beyond body and soul, Valljan and Kasjya, are the only reason she still breathes. Valljan for keeping her as sane as she is while under Garlean thumbs and Kasjya for quite literally bonding their souls together in ritual to enable them both to live and thrive; to keep Lin's aether from exploding and to free Kasjya from what once bound her..  Travel  . The three of them--Lin, Kasjya, and Valljan--travel now beyond where their chains once bound them. Shirogane and to the West where upon Eorzea's shores everything is strange and new and nothing now can harm them. Hopefully..  Coeurlregina  .  Beneath the boughs of the Shroud's Wood, where dappled lights play over the verdant wealth, they settle for now. The most social of the triad, Lin finds herself often visiting strange establishments and meeting new people.These visits have given her inspiration; The Coeurlregina, her own bar and lounge where she invites the people (mostly women) to take a moment's respite.
Coeurlregina; Sapphic Bar and Lounge Venue


  • ㅤnameㅤㅤLinaire

  • ㅤaliasㅤㅤ Lin

  • ㅤageㅤㅤ 200+

  • ㅤpronounsㅤㅤShe/Her

  • ㅤspeciesㅤㅤViera (Rava)

  • ㅤbirthdateㅤㅤ Forgotten

  • ㅤsexualityㅤㅤ Bisexual

  • ㅤoriginㅤㅤ Golmore

  • ㅤlocationㅤㅤ Gridania

  • ㅤclass(es)ㅤㅤ Elementalist (BLM/WHM)


.  Aether  .  For those aetherically sensative Linaire is the dull clash of far of waves, the muffled sound of lightning through the canopy. She is a barely restrained storm waiting to burst forth.Her aether is a kalaeidescope of all the elements that churn beneath her skin. Garlean experiments almost took her life and were it not for Kasjya, Lin would long since be stardust on the wind.For now she is contained, half living in the aetherical flow and half grounded in the corporeal. The aetherical necrosis upon her form is kept in check by ritual and a soulbond..  Nature  . Despite the hardships that have sullied the last half of her life, Lin is a kind if guarded woman. She will flirt and fawn, tease and guide, but it is rare the truth of her heart is laid bare.Overall Lin is a flirty, supportive woman with a very bright and whimsical side provided you are not Garlean.


.Valljan ⭑ Companion.No Carrd Available
Lin's cloest companion as one can only be when they've suffered together as they once did.
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.Kasjya ⭑ Companion.No Carrd Available
The woman of Lin's dreams; hauntingly beautiful, smart, and capable.
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.Magnus ⭑ Close Friend.No Carrd Available
A client turned close, personal friend and possibly more?

.'Nako ⭑ Close Friend.No Carrd Available
A fellow woman hurt by the Garlean machine. Harm her and you may find your life at risk
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